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Getting Started with Politics

First of all, to those of you who are deciding to start caring about politics, or acting on that interest, bravo!  To those who are confident in your understanding of politics and would like to know my reading suggestions, this post is also for you!  For some of you, this is a really big step […]

Confidence in Voting

This has been a very interesting election, for all of us I’d imagine.  We can safely say that one theme of this election has been: “Must we vote for ‘the lesser of two evils’?”  Most say “Yes, in order to prevent the worse of the two evils from gaining an office of immeasurable power”, and […]

Liberty in Law

I’ve been considering the differences between liberty and freedom recently. By talking with my good friend Carter about this, I was able, with plenty of help from him, to piece together my thoughts and hone my ideas into the visual depiction you see before you. I’ve come to believe that liberty is a really special, […]