Havoc at the Oregon Bundy Trial
Shawna Cox describes courtroom altercation after not guilty verdict
Video: BUNDY, the True Story
This is an amazing summary of the issue between the Bundy family and the BLM. Previously, I personally had severely misunderstood the Bundy family’s intentions and I spoke against them in my classes on the Constitution. I highly regret this, and hope that we can all take the time to learn what has happened to […]
“Joseph Smith: Campaign for President of the United States” by Arnold K. Garr
From https://www.lds.org/ensign/2009/02/joseph-smith-campaign-for-president-of-the-united-states?lang=eng Joseph Smith: Campaign for President of the United States By Arnold K. Garr Department Chair, Church History and Doctrine Brigham Young University On January 29, 1844, the Prophet Joseph Smith formally decided to run for the office of president of the United States. What did he hope to accomplish?
Heber J. Grant, J. Reuben Clark, and Marion G. Romney on FDR
From “Presidents and Prophets” by Michael K. Winder When FDR announced the New Deal, President Heber J. Grant, J. Reuben Clark Jr., David O. McKay and other Church leaders became outspoken critics of what they felt was socialism. 12 April 1945: Roosevelt dies in office. Elder Joseph Fielding Smith writes, “there are some of us […]
Thomas Jefferson and the Danbury Baptists
Letter of the Danbury Baptists to Pres. Thomas Jefferson The address of the Danbury Baptist Association in the State of Connecticut, assembled October 7, 1801. To Thomas Jefferson, Esq., President of the United States of America Sir, Among the many millions in America and Europe who rejoice in your election to office, we embrace the […]