
Mens Brains vs Women’s Brains

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A while ago, I watched this hilarious and insightful video about the differences between mens’ brains and womens’ brains given by Mark Gungor. This is the video about how men think in boxes and womens brains are like a ball of wires. I highly recommend watching the video:

I wanted to know how true this is about men’s unique ability to hyper-focus on just one thing and womens unique ability to be hyper-aware of dozens of things all the time, so I did some research. In short, this guy is spot on in his description of the way the two genders brains are wired. I’d love to write a summary of my findings soon, but in the meantime, here are some of the best articles that I found.



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I use this site to share ideas and insights about things that matter to me. It’s an archive of my favorite content and a place to share great information about politics, religion, and science.

About Jacob

Obsessed with learning new things. Trying to learn and defend truth.

Living in Idaho, graduated in Financial Economics from BYU-Idaho, and getting ready to launch several civic education projects.

I own a website and marketing business called ArcFires. Keep an eye out for my upcoming civic education projects: Liberty Library and the American Center for Civic Training.

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