Henry D. Moyle on Prohibition, Moral Legislation – April 1949
From: We Should Improve Our Communities LIQUOR LAW We’ve had another law on our books with reference to liquor, and there was an effort made to expand the present liquor law to the detriment of the people. Nobody had to ask anybody any questions as to where the right and the wrong were to be […]
David O. McKay on Prohibition – October 1945
From: Old Battles Yet to be Fought—New Victories to Win INTEMPERANCE AN ENEMY TO PEACE A fourth battle still raging, and in which the opposition seems to be gaining ground, is the battle against intemperance. The attitude of the Church of Jesus Christ towards temperance is unmistakable. February 27, 1833, the Prophet Joseph Smith received […]
Loyalty (excerpt) by Gordon B. Hinckley
In 1933 there was a movement in the United States to overturn the law which prohibited commerce in alcoholic beverages. When it came to a vote, Utah was the deciding state. I was on a mission, working in London, England, when I read the newspaper headlines that screamed, “Utah Kills Prohibition.” President Heber J. Grant, […]
Moses Thatcher on Prohibition & Drunkenness
Synopsis of a Temperance Lecture, Prohibition Advocated—Effects of Drunkenness Illustrated, Statistics, Etc. Discourse by Elder Moses Thatcher, delivered before the Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Association of Hyrum, March 7, 1883. Reported By: C. C. S. In responding to the invitation of the Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Association of Hyrum, I beg to say that press […]
J. Golden Kimball – Son of a Prophet
ELDER J. GOLDEN KIMBALL Of the First Council of Seventy I intend to be reminiscent in what I shall say on this occasion. I have frequently called your attention to the fact that under President John Taylor I was permitted to fill a mission in the Southern States, in 1883 and ’84, under the presidency […]