
My “Connection” to Preparing a People

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Here are some comments I recently made in a Facebook group that discusses the Chad and Lori Daybell case:

After being asked about my “connection” to Preparing a People for the 30th time I decided it’s time to finally make a statement about what I know about this whole fiasco.

Summary: I’ve spoken at one of their events because I love teaching but I’m not a “member” and don’t believe what many of the people who follow them believe. I used to be a doomsday prepper and religious fanatic as a teenager. Studying the teachings of my church leaders helped correct that extremism. I now teach in the community and at conferences to help people get out of that mess the same way I have.

Unfortunately, I have very little to contribute to the discussion about Lori and Chad and their family, so I don’t feel like I’m much help. I honestly didn’t know they existed until my brother Nathan Householder started following this case and telling me what was being posted in this Facebook group. I’ve actually been really impressed by your research and I’ve been rooting for you guys. I hope this group can help authorities find the kids.

One day several weeks ago, my brother showed me a post where someone found my bio on the website for Preparing a People which I’ve been told has some kind of connection to Chad. My brother told me that Chad was on some podcasts recorded by Preparing a People, but that’s really all I’ve heard. You guys know way more about that than I do. I’ve never listened to a single PAP podcast—in fact I’ve never heard a *single* lecture or presentation put on by PAP, so I really can’t say for myself how connected Chad is to them. I can’t even say I know exactly what they believe at PAP; I’ve learned 10x more about them through this group than through my own exposure to them. I also heard recently that they have a forum but I’ve never seen or participated in it myself, nor do I have any plans to join.

In short, I’m not a “member” of PAP (I honestly don’t even know what that means yet) but I was invited to speak at one of their events last year which I accepted because I take every opportunity to tell my story and share what I believe publicly. I want to make it clear that I still intend to accept invitations to speak at their events, but for the exact *opposite* reason that you would expect.

Due to several books I read between 3rd grade and my senior year of high school (stuff written by people like Duane S. Crowther and Roger K. Young), I grew up with a completely apocalyptic perspective of the near future (That’s a really fun story for another day). I was definitely on track to be an absolute doomsday “prepper” and total religious fanatic. I was heading full steam ahead towards a life of religious extremism and I regret to say I pushed a lot of really good people out of my life because of some of the radical ideas that I was acquiring through these books.

Thankfully, I went to some firesides my senior year of high school a decade ago that completely changed my perspective on the future and on the “last days” doctrines of my church. They cooled down my religious fanaticism and gave me a ridiculous amount of hope for the future. It helped me decide to be a part of the solution to the political problems in America, which is one reason I’ve decided to run for the Idaho Senate—another story for another day. (I’m super summarizing this story, but I’m trying to keep this post digestible for everyone.)

When someone posted a picture of my bio on the PAP website a few people asked about my “connection” to them and after explaining my story their concerns were quickly resolved. I honestly wasn’t concerned about the post because I’ve seen the level of intense research this group has been conducting. I’ve tried really hard to be completely transparent about my life and beliefs and how I’ve spent my time, so I was sure you guys would find my Facebook profile, my campaign Facebook page, my blog, my LinkedIn profile, my campaign website, and everything else that I’ve made very public and quickly come to the conclusion that I don’t believe any of that stuff anymore (Thankfully I never got caught up in the freaky Julie Rowe-type “doctrinal” stuff. I don’t even know exactly what she teaches because I stay very far away from her and other similar personalities. My youthful obsession was the doomsday prepper stuff). Unfortunately, most people don’t seem to have done the hard work of looking me up on Google and comparing my beliefs with the PAP/AVOW type groups. If they had, I wouldn’t be here writing this post.

Today I spend a lot of my time sharing what I’ve learned about politics and LDS doctrine—often to people who have virtually no hope for the future of America or who have unfortunately gotten caught up in religious extremism—attempting to cool down that religious fanaticism. A close friend of mine once told Elder Bednar that he feels his calling in life is to wake up those who are asleep and calm down those who are awake, to which Elder Bednar laughed and said that was very wise. I really am trying to follow that pattern as I teach through political nonprofits in the community.

I’m very happy to answer any other questions you guys have. Feel free to ask questions publicly on this post or send them privately to my Facebook messenger.


I can understand why you would hesitate to write a post such as this.

You state you do not believe what they believe, yet go on to say you don’t know what they believe. Again you state to compare your beliefs with theirs. Huh?

Who wrote your bio for PAP?

How well attended was the conference?

Were you compensated for your participation?

How do you get ‘selected’ to be a speaker for PAP?…


Good questions. I know what people believe who follow PAP, but I’m not sure exactly what the group teaches vs what those who are drawn to the group believe. So I can’t say from my own personal knowledge exactly what PAP as an organization does or believes. I just know what people believe who are associated with those circles of people. Does that make sense?

I assume Nancy or her husband wrote my bio for PAP, unless they pulled it from my blog or someone else’s website. It’s possible they got it from the Columbus Center website, or from the Madison Liberty Institutes website. To be honest I haven’t really been following these groups except for what my brother has been telling me. If I saw the bio myself and read over it I could probably give you a better answer.

The conference was held at the middle school in Rexburg, I think there were 150-ish people there. With seating for about 200. And I wasn’t compensated for my participation. I’ve actually never been paid to speak to any prepper groups. I just want to get my message out there so it’s a volunteer effort.

I was asked to speak at the event because they knew I did an internship for a geology research company and they wanted to host several presenters from that company. But I also expect it was because they’ve heard of other presentations I’ve been doing in Rexburg and Utah on politics. The only event hosted by PAP I’ve attended was about geology which was completely unrelated to whatever their main message is….

To prove I really do care about transparency, I made a timeline of my entire life. Where I’ve lived, where I’ve been studying, what I’ve been doing for work, etc. You can see for yourself how I’ve been spending my time. Have fun (view on desktop)

If you’re still skeptical, challenge me on something specific. Ask me about specific beliefs and I’ll thoroughly explain why I disagree with anything that’s radical.


Jacob Householder why have you changed from religious fanaticism to constitutional?


I’ve done a few recorded presentations on the topic of my transition from religious fanaticism to constitutionalism. Basically, I had a massive change in perspective about what the prophets have said about the future. I used to think they were saying everything will collapse and be destroyed, and then I found out that all of them taught that America would be saved and how we can do it.

I was then asked the following question by a different group member:

Thanks Jacob Householder!!! This clarifies a lot! I’ve asked questions myself, and was also worried about your aunt, as she was friends with Zulema. But after researching things and talking with your family I have seen where you just got kinda dragged into everything!

If I’m correct you even stated that people were crazy and coming up to you and trying to convince you that you were a direct descendant from the House of Jacob.

Also, you mostly speak with just the FIRM Foundation, right? And that’s how PAP approached you?

I remember seeing a screen shot of that info a while ago.

Thanks for clarifying everything!

I responded:

People were coming to me saying that “Jacob Householder” means that my calling in life is to “hold together the House of Jacob” and saying that in order to do that I needed to join their groups—I just don’t know exactly what group(s) they were trying to pull me into since I didn’t entertain the conversation.

And yes, I regularly speak at the Firm Foundation Expo which is where I met Nancy.

Thank you for your understanding!

Feel free to ask questions on this post to get additional clarification!

Things that matter to me

I use this site to share ideas and insights about things that matter to me. It’s an archive of my favorite content and a place to share great information about politics, religion, and science.

About Jacob

Obsessed with learning new things. Trying to learn and defend truth.

Living in Idaho, graduated in Financial Economics from BYU-Idaho, and getting ready to launch several civic education projects.

I own a website and marketing business called ArcFires. Keep an eye out for my upcoming civic education projects: Liberty Library and the American Center for Civic Training.

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