Letting Go

Tonight while reading The Peacegiver, I had a really powerful image come to mind. I’m not talented enough to write or paint this, so I’ve leaned on the power of AI to help me capture what’s been in my heart about the importance of forgiving others. ———————- In shadows cast by sins of old, a […]

The Fundamentals – Accepting Beta Course Applications

Important update! (To skip the context and get to the good stuff, look for the ⭐️’s) Over the past 10 years since I got home from my mission in 2014, I’ve had dozens of people tell me, “I’d like to get more informed and involved with politics, but I don’t know where to start. What […]

My Summary of the Book of Mormon

[This summary is a work in progress.] Jaredites Brother of Jared flees Babylon with family and friends Languages corrupted Coming to America across the ocean Built ships Storms at sea Reign of Kings Lehi’s Family Lehi’s family leaving Jerusalem for America The coming destruction of Jerusalem (1 Nephi 1) Lehi’s vision (1 Nephi 1) Lehi […]