Casting Informed Votes: My Research & Voting Process

There’s a small number of people who highly value my opinion about politics and elections. This article is for those who appreciate the way that I think about politics regardless of where my votes fall. My Priorities & Principled Approach to Voting Policies vs Systems Fixes A good constitution will define the types of laws […]

The Second Half of the Second Century by Jeffrey R. Holland (Transcript)

The Second Half of the Second Century BYU Annual University Conference August 23, 2021 By Elder Jeffrey R. Holland Someone once told me that the young speak of the future because they have no past, while the elderly speak of the past because they have no future. Although it damages that little aphorism, I come […]

Liberalism and Conservatism

Many believe the political divide in the United States is quickly widening, and unfortunately, there’s data to back up that conclusion. Articles and publications from major research firms like Pew Research show a steady collapse of the middle of the political spectrum as America becomes more polarized. Here are some recent publications describing this division: […]

Inalienable Rights

I’ve developed a pretty unique perspective on rights over the past decade. We claim that rights come from God, yet few are able to draw clear lines between the things we have the right to do and the things we must not do. Some claim that we have the right to do anything we want, […]

Biden is President—Now What?

These are my notes for my January 22nd, 2021 Zoom call discussing the long-term impact of Trump’s administration, Biden’s election/administration, the capitol riots, the future of America in general. Intro Thoughts In some ways, we are better off than we were four years ago and in many ways, we are worse off than we were […]

A Church Program to Restore the Constitution

After discussing the Political Kingdom of God, millennial government with Christ as King, and the future restoration of the Constitution, I’m often asked, “If this is so important, why don’t the brethren talk about this more?” Or, “If this were really true, why hasn’t the church created a program to restore the Constitution?” This brief […]

Orson Hyde Address — Celebration of the Fourth of July 1854

Celebration of the Fourth of July An Address by Elder Orson Hyde, Delivered in the Tabernacle, Great Salt Lake City, July 4, 1854. Reported by Unknown. Respected Friends and Fellow Citizens—I am called upon, by the wishes and voice of many persons, to be one of your speakers on this ever memorable day. While I […]

Talk: “The Lord’s Base of Operations” by Ezra Taft Benson

From: The Lord’s Base of Operations by Elder Ezra Taft Benson Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles Conference Report, April 1962, pp. 103-106 ELDER EZRA TAFT BENSON Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles My brothers and sisters, everywhere: With joy and gratitude I face you today in, and from, this historic Tabernacle. I […]

The Doctrine of Moral Legislation – Scriptures

THE DOCTRINAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATION OF MORAL LEGISLATION – Scriptures This is Part 2 in a series of articles on the statements made by prophets, apostles, scriptures and philosophers on moral legislation. Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 2:25-29 25 Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy. 26 And […]

Interpretation of “Good, Wise, and Honest” by Ezra Taft Benson

“We must become involved in civic affairs. As citizens of this republic, we cannot do our duty and be idle spectators. It is vital that we follow this counsel from the Lord: ‘I, the Lord God, make you free, therefore ye are free indeed; and the law also maketh you free. Nevertheless, when the wicked […]