Casting Informed Votes: My Research & Voting Process
There’s a small number of people who highly value my opinion about politics and elections. This article is for those who appreciate the way that

Letting Go
Tonight while reading The Peacegiver, I had a really powerful image come to mind. I’m not talented enough to write or paint this, so I’ve
The Fundamentals – Accepting Beta Course Applications
Important update! (To skip the context and get to the good stuff, look for the ⭐️’s) Over the past 10 years since I got home
My Summary of the Book of Mormon
[This summary is a work in progress.] Jaredites Brother of Jared flees Babylon with family and friends Languages corrupted Coming to America across the ocean

Is Judas a Son of Perdition?
Note: This article is currently being reviewed and edited. Feel free to leave feedback! Due to an interesting back-and-forth discussion in Sunday school today, I

Sealing Power Brings Hope
NOTE: I have not yet finished verifying all of the quotes that are used in this post. Parents of wayward children agonize over the choices
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