Letting Go

Tonight while reading The Peacegiver, I had a really powerful image come to mind. I’m not talented enough to write or paint this, so I’ve leaned on the power of AI to help me capture what’s been in my heart about the importance of forgiving others. ———————- In shadows cast by sins of old, a […]

My Summary of the Book of Mormon

[This summary is a work in progress.] Jaredites Brother of Jared flees Babylon with family and friends Languages corrupted Coming to America across the ocean Built ships Storms at sea Reign of Kings Lehi’s Family Lehi’s family leaving Jerusalem for America The coming destruction of Jerusalem (1 Nephi 1) Lehi’s vision (1 Nephi 1) Lehi […]

Is Judas a Son of Perdition?

Note: This article is currently being reviewed and edited. Feel free to leave feedback! Due to an interesting back-and-forth discussion in Sunday school today, I decided to consolidate some useful information to help our ward get on the same page about a topic that seems to come up every spring. What does “Son of Perdition” […]

Sealing Power Brings Hope

NOTE: I have not yet finished verifying all of the quotes that are used in this post. Parents of wayward children agonize over the choices and trials of their prodigal sons and daughters, and the fear of losing them deeply shakes their hearts. It’s unfortunate that one of the most profound teachings in the Church, […]

“Uphold the Hands of the President of the Church” by Harold B. Lee

President Harold B. Lee First Counselor in the First Presidency and President of the Council of the Twelve Before we announce President Smith as the next and concluding speaker of the conference, it seems appropriate to say one or two things. The President of the Church When the Church was first organized, in fact, the […]

Savior’s Appearance to Lorenzo Snow in the Salt Lake Temple

The Savior Appeared to Lorenzo Snow in the Salt Lake Temple For some time President Woodruff’s health had been failing. Nearly every evening President Lorenzo Snow visited him at his home. This particular evening the doctors said that President Woodruff could not live much longer, that he was becoming weaker every day. President Snow was […]

A Church Program to Restore the Constitution

After discussing the Political Kingdom of God, millennial government with Christ as King, and the future restoration of the Constitution, I’m often asked, “If this is so important, why don’t the brethren talk about this more?” Or, “If this were really true, why hasn’t the church created a program to restore the Constitution?” This brief […]

Orson Hyde Address — Celebration of the Fourth of July 1854

Celebration of the Fourth of July An Address by Elder Orson Hyde, Delivered in the Tabernacle, Great Salt Lake City, July 4, 1854. Reported by Unknown. Respected Friends and Fellow Citizens—I am called upon, by the wishes and voice of many persons, to be one of your speakers on this ever memorable day. While I […]

The Modesty Conversation I Wish We Would Have

Modesty Today Growing up, almost everything I was taught about modesty revolved around the idea that girls need to cover up their bodies to make it easier for guys to have clean thoughts. That has caused a lot of women to feel bitter about the topic, expressing that it’s unfair that their dress styles should […]

My “Connection” to Preparing a People

Here are some comments I recently made in a Facebook group that discusses the Chad and Lori Daybell case: After being asked about my “connection” to Preparing a People for the 30th time I decided it’s time to finally make a statement about what I know about this whole fiasco. Summary: I’ve spoken at one […]