The Doctrine of Moral Legislation – Introduction
The Doctrinal and Philosophical Foundation of Moral Legislation – Introduction This is Part 1 in a series of articles on the statements made by prophets, apostles, scriptures and philosophers on moral legislation. Background When I was in high school back in Arizona I read a book called The Book of Mormon and the Constitution by […]
The Prophesied Healing of America
Last week I gave a presentation to the Restoration Generation called “The Prophesied Healing of America”. We had it recorded and posted on the Columbus Center’s “Student Portal”. Check it out here:
Navigating Latter-day Prophesy
I’ve been asked to compile a guide for those wanting to make sense of latter-day prophecy. I have a unique perspective on this subject. So to introduce this guide, I’ll share part of my childhood story.
When Christ is King
There is a lot of misunderstanding regarding millennial government and the role Jesus Christ says He will play in world government after his 2nd Coming. I believe much of that confusion comes from our regular reference to Jesus Christ as King, especially during the millennium, as well as several verses of scripture. For example: For […]
The “Rifle Approach” to Healing America
For many years, President Ezra Taft Benson was worried that patriotic Americans were effectively spinning their tires in their current methods of defending the Constitution and attempting to preserve freedom. He voiced concern that we are swinging at the branches by trying to solve all of this nations greatest problems individually, but actually making no […]
The Political Kingdom of God
[This essay is not yet finished, but it will likely be an ongoing project for several years. Enjoy what is available so far!] I’m writing this article in an attempt to clear up a prominent misunderstanding regarding the kingdom of God seen in dream by King Nebuchadnezzar and in vision by the young prophet Daniel (see […]
What is Liberal? What is Conservative?
I began studying this issue because my heart breaks when I see relationships fall apart because of political beliefs or wild accusations made about people without even knowing who they really are. I am a conservative who has learned to really appreciate the talents and strengths liberals have. Please consider what I have learned. What […]
Free Agency vs. Moral Agency
I often find myself in conversations with people who advocate against legislating morality in an attempt to “preserve the agency” of others. They say, “I would never do [xyz wicked things], but it’s not my place to make it illegal for others to do it. We should preserve their ‘agency’ and let them choose on […]
Rights, Agency, and Free Will
Unalienable Rights vs Vested Rights The concept of human rights is widely misunderstood. Humans have two kinds of rights; unalienable rights come from God and are eternal while vested rights are civil agreements that have no eternal significance (however, our obedience to civil laws do have eternal significance—a topic for another article). Unalienable rights establish […]