Same Gender Marriage & Religious Freedom – Russell M. Nelson

Russell M. Nelson If civil law were altered to recognize so-called “same-gender” marriage, you as believers in God, and keepers of His commandments, would then be regarded as exceptions to the rule. Your conscientious convictions would then be regarded as discriminatory. If you were a Christian school teacher, you could be charged with bigotry for […]

Religious Freedom & LDS Church Tax Exempt Status – Quentin L. Cook

Quentin L. Cook (Quorum of the Twelve) Some ask what is wrong when marriage is granted to those of the same gender, as was done by the California Supreme Court. I’ve already stated one reason: it is contrary to God’s plan. In addition, the court’s decision will inevitably lead to conflicts with religious liberties, freedom […]

Henry D. Moyle on Prohibition, Moral Legislation – April 1949

From: We Should Improve Our Communities LIQUOR LAW We’ve had another law on our books with reference to liquor, and there was an effort made to expand the present liquor law to the detriment of the people. Nobody had to ask anybody any questions as to where the right and the wrong were to be […]

David O. McKay on Prohibition – October 1945

From: Old Battles Yet to be Fought—New Victories to Win INTEMPERANCE AN ENEMY TO PEACE A fourth battle still raging, and in which the opposition seems to be gaining ground, is the battle against intemperance. The attitude of the Church of Jesus Christ towards temperance is unmistakable. February 27, 1833, the Prophet Joseph Smith received […]